Friday, February 27, 2015

Uncomfortable Dentures? Here’s What You Can Do

Dentures have become the most affordable solution for replacing teeth, and can be a very effective option for patients. Although many patients opt for dentures, it can take a while to get used to these foreign objects resting on your gums. If your dentures are causing serious discomfort or pain, it is important you contact your dentist right away, but if you are simply trying to become accustomed to your new teeth, there are a few things you can do.

Practice in front of the mirror: Speaking and smiling with your new dentures can prove to be a challenge. It may be awkward to move your mouth in certain positions that seemed normal before. Stand in front of a mirror and practice smiling and saying words that cause your dentures to shift, taking note of the way your dentures move. As you practice, you’ll become more comfortable and your dentures will no longer get in your way.

Try an adhesive: If you find that your dentures are constantly slipping, try using a denture adhesive to keep them in place. An adhesive will stabilize your dentures while also providing a sealant against food debris. Denture adhesive can also make for a healthier smile in the long run by keeping bacteria at bay.

Start out smaller with foods: Chewing food might be your biggest obstacle with dentures. As you move your mouth to chew, your dentures may begin to shift. Start with soft foods and gradually introduce foods that involve more chewing. Foods that are sticky or crunchy may be difficult to eat at first, so save those until after you have become comfortable eating softer foods like eggs or oatmeal.

Don’t give up: It is definitely possible to wear dentures that function like natural teeth, all it takes is some patience and practice. Just give it time! Soon you will be smiling, speaking, and eating the foods you love in no time with your new dentures.

Call Us Today!
If you are experiencing issues with your dentures, don’t hesitate to call Dr. Michael Kowalik in Burbank! We can make adjustments to your dentures and help you get used to your new set of teeth.

For more information about complete or partial dentures or to schedule an appointment, call us today!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is becoming one of the most popular ways to enhance a smile. Now more than ever, dentists are offering a variety of cosmetic services to their patients. But besides its ability to improve your looks, cosmetic dentistry has other benefits as well – some of which you may not believe!

Here are some benefits of cosmetic dentistry that you may not have known.

Your appearance improves
Well, you probably knew about this one – it’s pretty obvious. No matter what cosmetic procedure you receive, your smile will become more attractive, which means that you can look and feel your best no matter what!

Your oral health improves
Some cosmetic procedures have restorative benefits as well. Treatments such as composite fillings and dental implants are able to create a more polished and healthier smile, while also keeping your mouth infection free.

Your pain is eliminated
When your teeth are crooked, infected, or have gone missing, it’s likely that you will start to experience some physical discomfort. Some patients experience jaw or joint pain, headaches and toothaches when their smile isn’t in its best shape. Cosmetic dentistry can rid your smile of what’s causing your pain!

You’ll make a better first impression
Studies have shown that those with a straighter, brighter smile make better first impressions socially and professionally. Since a healthy-looking smile is associated with good oral hygiene, it’s important to gain a smile that looks its best and advance your personal relationships.

Your self-confidence will boost
A cosmetic fix to your dental issues will take away any apprehension about smiling. You can rest assured that you no longer need to hide your teeth when you opt for a cosmetic dentistry procedure.

Call Us Today!

Dr. Michael Kowalik offers cosmetic dentistry services in his Burbank dental office. For more information about the services he provides or to schedule an appointment, call us today!