Thursday, January 29, 2015

Bone Grafting: How it Can Make You a Candidate for Dental Implants

It’s true that dental implants have revolutionized the field of restorative dentistry, and many patients with one or more missing teeth have jumped on the opportunity to receive dental implants. However, during their initial consultation, their dentist may inform them that they will need a bone graft in order to proceed with implants.

Bone grafting sounds scary, but modern technology has created a way for patients to restore their oral cavity with minimal pain and predictable results.

Here’s How it Works
Typically, bone grafting involves the placement of the mineral content from animal bone into the deteriorating human jaw. The bone is sterilized and used as a placeholder for the human bone. 

Through a process called “guided tissue regeneration,” the human body begins to recognize the animal bone as human and, over time, replaces the animal bone with natural human jaw bone tissue.

There are three common bone grafting procedures that a patient may receive.
  • The Alveolar Ridge Preservation Graft
  • The Autogenus Ramus Chin Graft
  • The Subantral Graft

Patients may receive one or a combination of these bone grafting procedures. The most beneficial procedure will be determined by your dentist. During a consultation, your dentist will discuss varying bone grafting options, as the procedure may be a prerequisite for dental implants.

Why Would You Need Bone Grafting?
Prior to dental implants, dentures were the main form of restoration for patients with missing teeth. Dentures, however, have caused some setbacks for patients. It turns out that the main reason why we have strong jaw bones is due to their support of our natural teeth. If our teeth go missing, the jaw bone immediately begins to deteriorate.

Atrophy of the jaw bone also occurs in long-time denture wearers, since there is nothing within the jaw bone for it to support. And when a denture wearer opts for dental implants, a bone grafting procedure may be needed to restore the bone that has been lost from years of denture use.

If your dentist suggests bone grafting before your implant procedure, there is nothing to fear. Your dentist will thoroughly explain which procedure they think is best, as well as how each of them work. 

Your dentist can answer any questions about the procedure pre or post-operative.

Have More Questions? Give Us a Call!

Dr. Kowalik places and restores dental implants in his Burbank dental office. For more information about dental implants and bone grafting or to schedule a consultation, call us today!